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How to use the duplicate question feature for adding new question in the SmartOAS system?

create a questions which is very similar with and existing question (wtih minor changes to any existing questions). This allows us to open a new add question form populated with the data of the existing question. Which saves our time to enter the the same dats multiple times for different questions.

Steps (Duplicate the Question):

  1.  Navigate to ‘Questions’ from the sidebar.
  2.  Click on the setting dropdown button in the 'Actions' column and then select 'Duplicate' from the options list.
  3.  A new page will get opened, edit the fields as per your requirement and then click on the either of the buttons:
    1. ‘Save & Close’ (If you want to get back to the question list after saving the added question then click on it),
    2. ‘Reset’ button, (If you want to clear all the data from the form-fields then click on it),
    3. ‘Canel’ button, (If you don’t want to add any question and simply want to get back to the question list then click on it).    