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Online Assessment System - Online Exam Software Online Assessment System - Online Exam Software

How to create a test in the SmartOAS system?

Steps (Create Test):

  1.  Navigate to ‘Tests > Tests List’ from the sidebar.
  2.  Click on the 'Add Test' button in the top right corner.
  3.  A new page will be opened with containing all the aspects of the test. The aspects are listed below:
    1. 'Basic Test Information',
      1. 'Name' (It is the title for the test),
      2. 'Test Description' (It is the short description of the test),
      3. 'Duration' (It is the time length of the test),
      4. 'Negative Marking' (If you want the negative marking in the test then select the 'Yes' option, else select the 'No' option),
      5. 'Question Picking',
        1. 'Random Picking',
        2. 'Manual Picking'
      6. 'Attempt counts allowed' (It is the maximum value till which the candidate can give that particular test),
      7. 'Validity'.
        1. 'Always' (If you want the test to be accessed forever then mark it),
        2. 'Specific timeliness' (If you want the test to be accessed with a specific period i.e. 'From Date -To Date', then mark it).
    2. 'Test Availability Type',
      1. 'Public' (This type of test can be accessed publicly),
      2. 'Private' (This type of test can be accessed by only those to whom it has been assigned),
      3. 'Demo' (This type of test are basically used to give the demo. These type of test can also be used as'Practice Test' by the candidate to prepare them for the exam time).
    3. 'Assignment Information',
      1. 'User Group' (If you want to assign the test to a group then select using it),
      2. 'Individual Users' (If you want to assign the test to the individual users then select using it).
    4. 'Test Section/ Subject Information',
      1. 'Assigned Marks for Test' (It is the value determining the total marks for the test),
      2. 'Add New Subject' (Using it you can add the subject(s), and the questions corresponding to it)
    5. 'Test Categories & Tags',
      1. 'Categories',
      2. 'Tags' (Contain all the tags related to the test, which makes easy to identify the test at the time of searching).
    6. 'Advance Test Information',
      1. 'Show Results In
        1. 'Percentage',
        2. 'Marks'.
      2. 'Results Type',
        1. 'Pass/Fail' (Here you have to decide the minimum passing marks for the test),
        2. 'Grading' (Here you have to set the grades according to different-different minimum qualifying percentage).
      3. 'Assign Certificate' (Select 'Yes' if you want to assign a certificate to that particular test, by choosing a template/layout from the list, else select 'No').
    7. 'Display and Order',
      1. 'Result Display',
        1. 'Include subject & Question-wise performance detail' (If you want the candidate to review on both bases i.e subject-wise and the questions belonging to those subjects then select it),
        2. 'Show overall result only' (If you want the candidate to see only the overall performance of the test then select it),
        3. 'Allow the user to review questions & answers' (If you want the candidate to review each and every question & answer then select it),
        4. 'Include subject-wise performance detail' (If you want the candidate to review the question on the bases of the subject they belong then select it).
      2. 'Result Declaration',
        1. 'Allow the user to see the result immediately after completing test',
        2. 'Don't show the result to candidates',
        3. 'Allow administrator to declare result manually',
        4. 'Declare result at a specific time'.
      3. 'Revisiting Questions',
        1. 'Can revisit & re-attempt' (In it the candidate can go back & can even answer to that question),
        2. 'Can revisit but can't re-attempt' (In it the candidate can go back but can't answer to that question),
        3. 'Can't revisit' (In it neither the candidate can go back nor he/she can attempt to the question).
      4. 'Exam Security',
      5. 'Restrict Copy & Paste' (If you don't want a candidate to copy & paste the answer then select it)
      6. 'Special Instructions' (If the test has some special instructions then write under this heading).
    8. Two radio buttons choose either of the following:
      1. 'Save & Publish' (If you want this test to be accessed by a user then mark it),
      2. 'Save as Draft' (If you want this test to be saved as a draft then mark this radio button).
  4.  Fill all the required fields and then click on either of the following buttons:
    1. 'Save' (If you want to save the test then click on it),
    2. 'Reset' (If you want to clear all the data from the form-fields then click on it),
    3. 'Cancel' (If you don't want to add the test and simply want to get back to the test list then click on it).
